First time in Terengganu, buses featuring the identity of Terengganu’s culture was introduced to the public. This will become a brand new attraction for Terengganu and visitors can have a chance to be in it while visiting around Kuala Terengganu for free. These town buses have started running their engine on August 28 and they run from 6 a.m till 10 p.m everyday. They will bring visitors to the tourism destinations such as Floating Mosque at Kuala Ibai, Handicraft Centre at Chendering, Pasar Payang, Bukit Puteri, Istana Maziah, State Museum and other attractive places around Kuala Terengganu.
Trishaw, also known as tricycle rickshaw or pedicab, is undeniably one of the unique attractions in Terengganu. Most of the tourists will be amazed on the efforts of decoration put on the trishaws. Most if not all, of the trishaws in Terengganu are mounted with the seat cabin side-by-side. Examples of place where you can easily find trishaw services available for hiring are Taman Syahbandar and Tanjung
The spot for taxi is just opposite the Kuala Terengganu Bus Station. As the matter of fact, the taxi and the bus is quite bond together. To make it simple, there is always taxi spot when there is bus station around. They all work together in bringing visitors who want to explore the beauty and attractive places in Terengganu. For those who want to visit a lot of places, taxi is a good choice.
These are known locally as bot penambang or water taxi. Its jetty is near the main market or Pasar Payang. Passengers use them to cross the Terengganu estuary for their daily activities. They chug along slowly, riding the waves, as they have always been for centuries
i am so interested to talk about TOWN BUS. when i was in KT before, i often used this transportation to go to the town. of course, this is due to the cheap price we had to pay. it costs only RM1. ve.....ry cheap. hehe.
this Town Bus has its special name you know..
most of us call it "BAS KERANDA".
It does look like keranda, isn't it pappy?
hye pappy..!!
this is my 1st visit to your blog..
Well,im glad to see that you are able to produce such an informative blog to everyone..Congratulations....
I like your article about town bus..I have never seen such a unique decorated bus in Malaysia..Its only at Terengganu..!!
Noor Syafiqah Sulaiman
BMD3BA,DIB,part3,UiTM Terengganu.
hollaaa pappy...
this is my scond time I visit ur blog...
it's nice to know about terengganu...
i have an idea...
can you write about the popular dish among student at uitm dungun that is 'Nasi Koboi'....
it is situated at Teluk Gadung...
thats all...
time to 'buka puasa'
enjoy ur meal...
hi pappy..
nice blog,
nice pictures,
nice view..
before we read your blog,we did not know that in KT has trishaw and boat.
there are a lot of infomation we get when we read this article.
good night pappy
see you in class tomorrow..=)
actually i like your commentary about the trishaw..
when i was in KT before i felt that people nowadays don't like to use
it anymore..
the popularity of trishaw is been vanish by modern public transportation..
i wonder what we can do in order to get back it popularity..
it's a great experience when i was in Chendering campus. go to the town by the town bus with friends.. hope to get another chances to travel by the "BAS BANDAR" next time..
hello pappy...
very interesting commentary about transportation. Beides, can attract outsider to come to terengganu when read this article. congratulation pappy!!! hope you can generate more article.
Mohamad Faizul Sadri
hye pappy...how are you there?
hope you were in agood condition ok..
well...when i first read the article about transport and saw the picture of TOWN BUS, it made me remind of my memory when i was in uitm chendering.
well, pappy...when i was there, i used to use that transportation to go for a sightseeing with my roomate which is AIN and LIYANA...and also with my beloved one...hehe..for me, you are like refreshing my sweet memory at there..thank you pappy...
Asslmualaikum pappy..
i love the TOWN BUS!!huhuhu!!! The bus was unique..For the first time i saw the bus, i though it was a house bus..with the roof that similar with the traditional house...i was surprised!!!!
Fizi@fizzo- OMB30A
Hi pappy, how are you? I’m eager to share to you about my opinion on trishaw at terengganu. Looking at the person who earns their money as a trishaw driver whose most of them are too old enough to bring their customer for the ride, touched me a lot! If those uncles still have children why don’t they bring their father home and take care of them, feed them and gives them attention that a father should have from their own flesh of blood? Anyway, this is only my opinion, it could be wrong and it cloud be right…last but not least, try to empathy on others while we are still have enough air to breath…
noor zitar shamsuddin
good morning pappy...
I enjoy reading your blog. Actually I haven't went to Kuala Terengganu yet. With the information stated in your blog, you are giving lots of information about attractive places in Terengganu..Hope one day I will be given a chance to see some of the places especially the cristal mousque and bukit puteri.I'm also curious to travel with the trishaw in Kuala Terengganu.Hope to be there soon. =)
Nur Faidah Baidurrah Mustapa
Hi pappy, how are you? I’m eager to share to you about my opinion on trishaw at terengganu. Looking at the person who earns their money as a trishaw driver whose most of them are too old enough to bring their customer for the ride, touched me a lot! If those uncles still have children why don’t they bring their father home and take care of them, feed them and gives them attention that a father should have from their own flesh of blood? Anyway, this is only my opinion, it could be wrong and it cloud be right…last but not least, try to empathy on others while we are still have enough air to breath…
noor zitar shamsuddin
hi pappy...
what are you doing now?
this is my first comment in your blog.
I think very nice and can get more information about tourism in traganu.
actually,i want give you information about LATA BELATAN water fall at Besut. It is very interesting place to visit.Lata belatan like Sekayu water fall,Chemerong water fall and so on.
lastly,congratulation pappy....
see u....
assalamualaikum,haloo Pappy..
Well,this is my first time looking at your blog.Its really exciting!Many beautiful and nice pictures inside here..i have gain knowledges about the transportation at KT.
someday,i will try the experience travel around the KT town by the trishaw..anyway,congtratulations Pappy!
Thats all,see u next time.
hye pappy...
this is my 1st time visit your blog..
pappy, when i was in chendering,KT before, my friends and i always go to town by that bus..we called it "bas bandar"..
some others of my friends also called it "keranda bergerak"..
it`s so funny..
it was nice if we have something that different from others..
is it true pappy..??
so that we must be remmembered..
"TOWN BUS"...emmm,first time in my life i have seen this kind of bus in our country..it is quit strange to people who never ride it right pappy....??
but for me this town bus are very unique,with the body and the colour that we fell,we are in the "kampung house" when we ride this bus..hehe
in addtion,before i transfer to uitm dungun i was in uitm trengganu and when i wanted to go to the town i will ride this bus with my friends..
wonderfull feeling.
hye pappy,
when talking about the "BAS BANDAR" i would like to tell you that i have been travel around KUALA TERENGGANU by this bus.It is my best experience in my life because BUS BANDAR is only one kind of bus in our country.
hye pappy,
this is my 2nd time comment in your blog..i'm so interested about "BAS BANDAR".Do you use this bus before..do you?i already uses this bus before..the bus have a unique decoration which can attrack many people to uses it include me..
Assalammualaikum pappy,
This is my first comment in your Alpha view..
I have read Transportation article that you presented here
It is very interesting topic that I can know about transportation in Terengganu, otherwise I can know that Terengganu have a unique design of transportation that we rarely see. For example, the buses design is show that the identity of culture in Terengganu. I interested with you have mention that the buses is free and even I have visit Kuala Terengganu I never know that the buses is free and where the buses will be bring the visitor. I think, trishaw can attract the visitors from other country even visitor from our country like me. I can see that the trishaw is more simple that trishaw in Malacca but that its that differences in Terengganu. From my experience, I have seen that not many taxis in Terengganu are provided, so that it’s hard to me to get the taxi to travel over that Kuala Terengganu. I just know that we can use the boat to cross the Terengganu estuary. This is good information about transportation in Kuala Terangganu, I hope I can try each transportation in Kuala Tereangganu. Lastly my comment is, I hope you can provide more picture in each article and u can describe the picture so that viewer can know more about the picture and it will be more interesting.
hye pappy..
today i just went to your room..
but you not there..
Urm.. about the transportation..
its was great pappy.. we from chendering are often used the bus a.k.a "Bas Keranda" before.. for go to town and some student take advantage to dating in that bus..
Great job pappy..
i just want to suggest you..
why dont you write about Telok Bidara or Seberang Pintasan, Dungun..
my friends and i just went to that place 2 weeks ago..
it was so... pergh..
beautiful.. Subhanallah..
Urmm.. i will send the pic to you later.. k..
it just my suggestion..
have a nice day..
assalamualaikum pappy....
town bus..trishaw..boat...
erm...i would like to talk about town bus...this bus was very unic..i had used this bus when i was in kuala terengganu before...foreign tourist also used this bus....
Trishaw, remind me about my childhood. I was grown at rural area in Kelantan. There has no public transportation there except trishaw and motorcycle, at that time. So, if we want to go city, the choices we have that only ride motorcycle or trishaw. I always follow my granny to Kota Bharu to sell handmade handicrafts. So, when I follow her, I can ride trishaw..
Trishaw, remind me about my childhood. I was grown at rural area in Kelantan. There has no public transportation there except trishaw and motorcycle, at that time. So, if we want to go city, the choices we have that only ride motorcycle or trishaw. I always follow my granny to Kota Bharu to sell handmade handicrafts. So, when I follow her, I can ride trishaw...
salam pappy...
this is my 1st visit to your blog..
there are a lot info that i can get here..
specially about terengganu...
Trishaw, remind me about my hometown there are a lot of trishaw...
have a good day...
Muhammad Al-Naseef B Kamaruddin
dear pappy..actually, for all of my life, i really want to use trishaw as my transportation..but until now, i never get a chance to get it..it must be fun right pappy???
Assalamualaikum pappy..
The TOWN BUS is very unique decorated bus,with it`s own malay arts.I have been used this transportation before when i was in KT.With the cheap price,we also can the picture of Terengganu attraction inside the bus.
pappy...you know what,i really intersted on boat..but everytime i get into the boat, i will thrown out..(mabuk laut) hehehe
salam.. hi pappy...
hurm.. nice blog..
after read this article, i think i shoul go there and visit that place... =)
wow..i thought only malacca has a trishaw but in kuala terengganu have too..but why the taxi only provide in K.T not in dungun????erm..maybe in dungun the "kereta sapu" conquer the passangers..for student they only have one choice which is take a satria bus..huhu..i hope you can attach some story about dungun..dungun is now improve a lot rights???
From hidayah_kibum,OMB30A,UITM TGANU
hye pappy... i am so excited to know about town bus in K.T... thanks for your information about this bus, it very unique and i hope can get chance to travel by this bus next time.....
Salam Pappy
Interested and informative blog...
i have have an idea...
actually I'm more interested if you can tell the history of the transportation in Kuala terengganu before they using the modern transportation nowadays.
thats all, thank you...
Selamat Hari Raya
happy aidilfitri....
when i saw the town bus, it make me remembered of a good time i had when i was in uitm chendering.. it was the main transportation for student uitm as it always pass by uitm chendering. it is just a very sweet memory of mine....
hai pappy...
i actually like when you talk about "bus Bandar".
nowadays, "bus Bandar" is the most popular transportation in Terengganu. specially among the tourist that come to terengganu.
At Uitm Chendering, "bus Bandar" is the famous transportation because it alwys pass there...
-nabila hmd3ta-
i had ride trishaw for many times when i was a child. usually i get the chances to ride trishaw when i follow my mom and my grandma to market. but as time pass by, the use of trishaw are not suitable anymore... only tourists who like to ride it..and that help as the source of income for the trishaw owner....
hi pappy,
Transportation is an essential things needed for all of us nowdays.There are alot types of vehicle exist today and most of them have a very unique creation and high sentimental value for some of us such as "beca" or traditional trishaw.
Talks about vehicle i am remember with my grandfather old bicycle...surely that bicycle not only has great value to him but also to me...
that old bicycle used to fecth me and my friend from home to school and vice versa. That bicycle kept beautiful memories of my childhood with my beloved grandpa...
nice view...
hi pappy,
i am intersted with town bus. I had seen it last month and its so beautiful and look interesting. hopefully one day, i will have a chance to have my own experience with that bus..
nurul aini
nice view..
hi pappy,
TRISHAW...i think that is just only famous in Malacca only but its not..T'ganu also famous with it. But here i recommend that trishaw here to being decorate like in Malacca..It must be will being more beautiful...
nurul aini
nice view..
hi pappy,
water taxi...
one more attaction in Terengganu that we cannot find in the others place..
I think that it should be promoted again and give a cheap price to the users..
Hopefully one day i can try and enjoy wih it
nurul aini
nice view
hi pappy,
sometimes i feel pity with the trishaw workers. Usually they are comes from an old people and i think that they are not have energy to do all this work again..
This is the person called "father" sacriface..Hopefully their sons will approciate it.
nurul aini
nice view
hi pappy,
trishaw is rarely use today..
a promotion should be given to introduce it to the other people especially for the teenagers today
nurul aini
nice view
hi pappy,
town bus make we feel like we are in our home..the decoration is nice with their roof..
It is a good idea with t'ganu create a bus like this..chaiyok2..
nurul aini
nice view
hi pappy,
reading article in your blog give me more information about t;ganu that i had not known before..
here, i realize that t'ganu is also intesting place to visit..
nurul aini
nice view,
hi pappy,
hopefully one day i can visit all this place that is statede in this blog..
nurul aini
nice view
hi pappy,
what is our reaction when see a tourist ride a trishaw?
actually i am proud with our tranport like this that they cannot find it in their country..
nurul aini
nice view
hi pappy,
your blog is so interactive and full of information.
nurul aini
m here again pappy..
but sorry then..phrse was "tonggang tebalik" hehehe...
eemmm..talking about this bus..
sometimes it makes me laugh..
it seems like ..RUMAH BERGERAK..
but congrat to its designer ..
ops..designer kew?
whatever..for the weird bus of the world..
i hope i have a chance to 'naik' this kind of weird thing..
cm best jew..its really2 attracted me.
pappy sorry..
forgot to put my name.. "RUMAH BERGERAK " its acctly..me..
~che siti masitah~
making a dated in the bus..???
sounds like crazy..
but some people do that ..!
why dont you try to dating while you 'naik beca' (trishow)..
its quite dffrent thing that we can do..
ha ha ha..
right pappy..?
love to invite pappy making a date in the trishow and 'pusing-pusing' city..
that would be nice..
ngeee ;D
~che siti masitah~
Assalamualaikum pappy...
I hope yue are well...huhu
Actually, this is my first time view your blog....heheheh
I have a good news for you. I really interested with your articles...congratulation pappy...
Hi pappy, how are you? .
I am very interesting commentary about transportation. It can attract more people to visit Terengganu...I hope you can generate more article.
Norlina Bt. Alias
is it true trishaw have in KT? before this, only Malacca have Trishaw...I was surprised....
Assalamialaikum pappy...
It's fun when we riding on the boat!!!i have an experiences when i went to Pulau Kapas with my family in year 2005.. i found that boat is the one popular transportation in Terengganu and it's used to pick the tourist that want go to the island in Terengganu..
Muhammad Hafizi Razali
Salam pappy...
how are you today? I hope you are in good condition..For this article, it's very interesting to get all the information about transportation.. But ih this time, i would to give some opinion and aome comment about transportation.. I had live in Dungun for about one and a half years, but i dont really see there are taxi in Dungun town..it's very sad.
Noor Zahidah Adilah bint Mustapa
Salam pappy
this is the first time i log on your blog after graduated from UiTM last year.
i'm waiting for your blog's updates (",)
i wonder why is it so rare to see taxis around Dungun? i mean, those yellow small buses aren't really 'taxis' for those who aren't students around here. there was once, some tourists were asking, where can they find taxi in dungun? i myself didnt have any answer for that, because i'm not familiar at all with any taxis around here. well, ive seen once or twice, those yellow Proton Wira town cabs with passengers, probably from Kuala Terengganu.
Obviously, Dungun is way different than Kuala Terengganu i must say. less vehicles, less noise, less traffic & sadly less choices of food :( but still, i guess it isnt that bad after all.
Salam pappy...what an interesting blog...this is the first time i open your blog...that a lot of info for me who come from Johor...i wish u can take me and my friend to all interested place in Terengganu...can u pappy??
Or maybe to island someday???
For your infomation in johor bahru, we also have TOWN BUS...
There are about 10 different look for every bus base on 10 traditional house in Malaysia...this project had started since 2006...
erm pappy, how much to pay when we ride the trishaw? is it count base on hour or where we want to go??
Muhammad Azmi*OM114*OMD40A*UITM Terengganu....
when we talked abt transportation,it is really rare to see taxi in dungun..sometimes when we're just arrived from our home,sometimes satria is not there and we're looking for the taxi and it is not there at all..but the only car that exist in dungun is a rental car which is expensive..
assalamualaikum wbt..
this info about transportation are very important especially for those who want to visit tganu..
as fazrina said, it is really rare to see taxis here in dungun compared in kuala tganu..why??really cant find the answer..hehe
i had never ride on a trishaw before as im living in KL.but since im studying here,i would love to try one :)
Assalamualaikum pappy..
how are u today?
i was so interested about Town Bus.its so unic..i never see that kind of bus in my whole life.
first time i see it, i was so excited.
hope one day i will get the opportunities to ride that bus.:p
Fazrina Mustafa from OMD40A, not OMD30A. hehe. my bad ;)
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